Jessica Levin and Ava Stephenson become
next year’s ASB presidents
By Mackenzie Guadagno, Reporter
As the end of the year rolls around students vote for their new Associate Student Body (ASB) representatives and with that a new school president. Or, in VHS’s current case, presidents. On Friday, May 13th, Jessica Levin and Ava Stephenson were announced as the 2022-2023 ASB presidents. Presidents have many responsibilities within ASB; they create an executive board agenda and oversee all of ASB through meetings with class cabinets. In these weekly meetings, the presidents maintain a structured balanced schedule that keeps ASB running smoothly.

The ASB presidency has been in the back of Levin and Stephenson’s heads since before they entered high school.
“Jess and I were co-presidents in 8th grade at McMurray, which is how we became friends. Our years together on ASB have solidified our love for working together and getting involved in the student community,” Stephenson said.
Not only did Levin and Stevenson always plan to run for class president senior year, they also always planned to do it together, and their shared history contributed to this.
“And we worked very well together in middle school and have different traits that complement each other,” Levin said.
Even before their leadership begins Levin has a good idea what they hope to bring to VHS next school year and how they want to execute it.
“We want to make sure that the student body is very aware of when events are happening, so we’re going to have good communication and good advertising.” Levin said, “We want to have events where people know that they’re happening, and also create a good sense of community, and it’s fun if people get into [school spirit]. We want to make that a priority,”.
Good communication and advertising can have many positive effects on the fundraising efforts in ASB; however good communication throughout an entire school can be difficult to achieve. Luckily, Levin and Stevenson have a strategy.
“We’re going to try to set dates with the administration at the beginning of the year. And then that will give us plenty of time to advertise further in advance,” Levin said.
They also hope to strengthen the community not just through VHS but within ASB itself.
“I hope to set a precedent amongst ASB for effective ways to plan events and collect student input. We plan to meet frequently, utilize committees that encourage collaboration between grades, and use timely advertising to achieve this,” Stephenson said.
All of this could be very hard for Levin and Stephenson to achieve alone so there are a few things that students can do to assist them in their presidency next year..
“The student body can support us next year by slaying the spirit days, participating in school events and activities, and engaging with their class cabinets to ensure their voice is heard on ASB,” Stephenson said.