Ping pong continues to thrive at VHS
By Blake Grossman, Reporter
Ping pong is fun, accessible, and a favorite activity of many Vashon Island High School (VHS) students. There has been a ping pong table at the highschool for years, and it’s been in the lunchroom since the new building was opened in 2014. Right now, the table tennis community at VHS is as vibrant as ever, and games are played during lunch, break, and passing period. Students have great things to say.
“It’s a great form of entertainment for players and spectators,” senior Levi Stahl said.
The ping pong scene at VHS is more than a lunchtime distraction; it’s filled with good competition and with players of all skill levels.
“I think we have a really positive feeling about ping pong at our school with a lot of solid players that are all competitive,” senior Evan Keppler said.
Students aren’t the only ones playing ping pong. Administrators often make appearances at the table.
“D. Rock, Erickson, and PL are pretty good,” Stahl said. “It’s healthy competition that brings out some good spirit in everyone.”
Recently, Keppler organized a tournament that more than 30 students and staff members entered. There are now only two players remaining, and the finals will take place soon. Keppler hopes to organize a more official tournament near the end of the school year.
“I think [ping pong] is good for school spirit. It’s something that people can enjoy, and something to look forward to. For the prize of the next tournament I’m going to spray paint a paddle gold and that will be the trophy. And the tournament will be official,” Keppler said.
While ping pong is always a popular activity at VHS, there are a host of especially adept players at the table this year.
“I would say our pong crew is stronger than normal for sure. We’ve had tournaments in past years and larger groups of interested students, but this year’s crew could take on any previous VHS talent for sure,” VHS principal Danny Rock said.
As for who the best is, the most active pingers and pongers at VHS tend to agree that no single player stands above the rest.
“I’d say there are maybe five people who are all at the highest level, any of which could be the best on any given day,” Stahl said.
Ping pong is the perfect game for the tight knit community at VHS, because its game that is extra fun to play against people you know.
“Ping pong is the best for friends to compete at, and losing to friends is the worst,” junior Moses Trundle-Strachan said.
Trundle-Strachan intends to make the tournament an annual occurrence by organizing it his senior year, and he wants to pass the tradition down, Principal Rock also wants to see ping pong continue to thrive at VHS.
“As a personal fan and player and as someone who started playing in high school, I fully endorse this great sport to all. Ping pong is fun, community building, and a lifelong sport. It’s also totally accessible to all, [and] anyone can learn,” Rock said.