Pirate Talk
By Sofie Merrigan, Reporter
What is something that makes online school a little more enjoyable for you that you can’t have/do at regular school?
Freshman: Alana Bass
“I take my dog on a walk up to where I get my school lunch every morning. I think it’s really important to be disconnected from screens and to be outside before going to online classes for hours. I like saying good morning to the people who give out the lunches, and I like to see my dog so joyful in the mornings. Also, it smells so fresh outside in the morning, especially if it rained the night before.”
Sophomore: Aidan Green
“Online school offers a lot more time and space to ourselves, which really helps us get more work done for school. It also helps by relieving us some stress because we don’t have to worry about going to school. But I think once corona dies down people will definitely want to come back.”
Junior: Alex Ryan
“Since this year is online I’ve had to do a lot more studying than usual, so I bought a giant bag of Halloween candy and I tape mini chocolate bars to my wall. Now, every time I finish a chapter of studying I grab a piece of candy and reward myself. At one point my whole wall was just Milky Ways. It also helps me pace myself by saying ‘only 3 twix bars to go’.”
Senior: Max Zuber
“Although it seems like a little thing, being able to walk to the kitchen and grab a snack whenever I want is something I didn’t really expect to enjoy so much, but it’s definitely a plus of online school.”