Wishes for the future from ASB president
Colby Merrill
By Colby Merrill, Reporter
As the year comes to an end, the student body anticipates next year’s Executive Board. With that said, there are many things that I, as the outgoing VHS ASB President, want to give to the classes of 2023, 2024, 2025, and beyond.
There are several events that did not come to be this year, including homecoming and the winter formal. However, just because they did not happen this year does not mean that they can’t happen next year. With an overall decrease in the number of COVID cases and the majority of students being vaccinated, ASB will be able to continue to create many opportunities with significantly less boundaries and significantly more time, and VHS students will be able to participate and show their school spirit even more than before.
My reason for running for ASB president was to work with the administration, and create compromises between the student body and administration itself. After a few months it became apparent that my main goal would not be as easily achievable given the amount of time and effort spent solely on the student body. It is my belief that next year’s Exec Board will be able to achieve the goal that I could not with Ava Stephensen and Jessica Levin as ASB presidents.
Every year I like to have a word that sums up a goal or feeling of that year. 2020 was “opportunity.” 2021 was “presentation.” 2022 is
“responsibility.” But I’d be lying if I said that I found the word for 2022 a long time ago. I didn’t land on “responsibility” until a few weeks ago. However, I knew my responsibilities for ASB but it was difficult to find a balance between that and school work and extracurricular activities. With that said I think that finding a balance of work for anyone is important, especially when being a student. My senior year taught me that having a schedule is very important. Not only for being on ASB but for maintaining stress and comfort during the year.
I would like to thank the current Executive Board: Katy Kirkpatrick, Sam Walker, Ava Woo, Tsherring Sherpa, Mack Radic, Delila Higera, and Lucy Woodruff for all their hard work. I’d also like to thank the current ASB cabinets, especially the senior cabinet who was putting together prom for the majority of the year. I would also like to thank the students and administration that we were able to work with this year. I’d like to wish the class of 2023 the best of luck and I look forward to seeing their future for VHS. It has been an honor and a privilege to represent VHS, not only as ASB president but as a student.