Superintendent Slade McSheehy answers students’ burning questions
By Amelia Spence, Co-Content & Publishing Editor
Online learning has made it difficult for school, staff, and students to get to know each other. Ice breakers and circle talks are not the same over Google Meets, and the ability to mute talkative students has considerably cut down on the classroom banter that brings people together. To help students get to know the people running their school better,
The Riptide asked readers to send in questions to be answered by one of the legends who keeps VHS running: Superintendent Slade McSheehy.
Question #1: What is your favorite sports team?
“Auburn University Tigers.”
Question #2: What is one of your most embarrassing moments as a superintendent or as a student?
“I was once pulled over for speeding in front of the high school where I was an assistant principal a few years ago. I had to pull in to the senior parking lot and right when the officer was giving me a ticket, the students were arriving on the buses. Incredible.”
Question #3: What is your favorite song? Band/music group?
“I’m currently toggling between The Knocks and Fleetwood Mac.”
Question #4: Will we go to school in-person at all next semester?
“The information about a vaccine is encouraging, and I think we have to be hopeful and optimistic that we’ll be able to have students back in schools before the end of the year.”
Question #5: What are the plans for reopening theatre events at VHS?
“Unless we see a significant decrease in COVID disease activity, events at the VHS theatre will continue to be postponed.”
Question #6: How does the school plan on helping students maintain their mental health through the rest of the year?
“Mental health has been at the center of all of our distance learning planning. School counselors, administration, teachers, and support staff are all committed to helping students with their mental health. In addition, we have tremendous community partnerships with Neighborcare, Vashon Youth and Family Services, and DoVE. If any student is having troubles or if you know of a student, please do not hesitate to let a caring adult know so we can get them appropriate help.”