Quick Updates
By Isabelle Spence, Editor-in-Chief
Graduation Walking Partners
This year, the administration has decided to change how walking partners will be structured. The change stems from an overload of last-minute switches and confusion that occured last year. Now, there will be a one-week sign-ups period for walking partners, from April 13-17. Seniors should sign up with Jenn Coe, the CTE office manager, at her desk near the counselors’ offices or by emailing her at jcoe@vashonsd.org. After the one week period, anyone who did not sign up will be paired up alphabetically, with no exceptions.
As of now, the current junior class will not be able to choose their own walking partners. However, if this new system works well, office manager Jackie Merell says the administration may continue to use it next year.
Driver’s Ed
This April, Vashon will see the return of Driver’s Ed to the island. The new course is sponsored by the Burien Driving Company and will cost $575 for the most basic package. There are two more classes offered, the Teen Plus and the Teen Complete, both of which add some degree of official driving test option. All class involves at least 30 hours of in-class learning time, six hours of driving time, and one hour of observation. The first class will be held on March 19, and the following classes will be held on Thursdays and Fridays from 6:30 to 8:30 for up to eight weeks.
Students can find more information at www.buriendrivingschool.com or by calling (206) 717-3600.
Upcoming Ski Trip
The Outdoor Club went on a ski adventure to Mission Ridge from March 6-8. They will also be going on two separate camping trips in April and May. All students are welcome to come, and should talk to Char Phillips for more information.
SAT Testing
Stemming from demonstrated interest from many parents, the school is now offering several opportunities to take the SATs on the island. There will be four opportunities to take the test this school year. The school is hosting the SAT soonest on March 14th. Vashon will also hold a test on June 6, and registration for this is open now. Students should talk to Lisa Miller or Tara Vanselow for more information, or visit the College Board website to register.
Fix-It Cafe
The annual Fix-It Cafe is coming back to Vashon. The event will be held at the Vashon Eagles Club, on March 28, from 10 am to 2 pm. The cafe is a chance for islanders to bring in their broken appliances and get them fixed for free. The event is designed to prevent waste and promote eco-friendliness, as well as teach islanders how to fix their own items. It is also co-coordinated by the school’s Green Team, which is run by Mr. Browning. Admission is free, though some may be required to provide parts for their bo=roken items. To learn more or pre-register, visit http://vashonfixit.com/ .